# # All codes from the remote that came with Vizio E422AR # # Also compare to values found at: # http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/vizio/ # # # Note: While all of these codes were sent to my TV, some appeared to # do nothing. However, it is quite possible the TV was simply in # the wrong mode to deal with it. eg. "red" does nothing unless # an app has been started. # chup 0x20df00ff 00 power-toggle 0x20df10ef 10 -- 20 -- 30 volup 0x20df40bf 40 ?? 50 "No Function" -- 60 sleep 0x20df708f 70 menu chdown 0x20df807f 80 mute-toggle 0x20df906f 90 -- a0 -- b0 voldown 0x20dfc03f c0 -- d0 -- e0 -- f0 -- 01 -- 11 ?? 0x20df21de 21 flashes display in some way -- 31 hdmi2-input 0x20df41be 41 -- 51 -- 61 -- 71 hdmi1-input 0x20df817e 81 -- 91 -- a1 -- b1 hdmi3-input 0x20dfc13e c1 -- d1 -- e1 -- f1 -- 02 right 0x20df12ed 12 ok 0x20df22dd 22 -- 32 -- 42 back 0x20df52ad 52 down 0x20df629d 62 -- 72 -- 82 exit 0x20df926d 92 up 0x20dfa25d a2 -- b2 extra-vizio 0x20dfc23d c2 dups "vizio" remote button left 0x20dfe21d e2 menu 0x20dff20d f2 -- 03 -- 13 -- 23 -- 33 -- 43 -- 53 hdmi-toggle 0x20df639c 63 -- 73 -- 83 -- 93 -- a3 -- b3 -- c3 -- d3 -- e3 -- f3 mute-on 0x20df04fb 04 -- 14 -- 24 -- 34 -- 44 power-on 0x20df54ab 54 -- 64 -- 74 mute-off 0x20df847b 84 -- 94 power-off 0x20dfa45b a4 vizio 0x20dfb44b b4 -- c4 -- d4 -- e4 input 0x20dff40b f4 -- 05 -- 15 -- 25 -- 35 -- 45 -- 55 -- 65 -- 75 av-input 0x20df857a 85 dup of 8a -- 95 -- a5 -- b5 -- c5 -- d5 -- e5 -- f5 display? 0x20df06f9 06 -- 16 -- 26 -- 36 ?? 0x20df46b9 46 flashes display in some way -- 56 -- 66 -- 76 -- 86 -- 96 ?? 0x20dfa659 a6 "No Function" -- b6 -- c6 -- d6 standard 0x20dfe619 e6 discrete mode/wide setting? -- f6 -- 07 -- 17 -- 27 vudu 0x20df37c8 37 -- 47 amazon 0x20df57a8 57 -- 67 -- 77 -- 87 -- 97 -- a7 store? 0x20dfb748 b7 -- c7 netflix 0x20dfd728 d7 -- e7 -- f7 0 0x20df08f7 08 8 0x20df18e7 18 4 0x20df28d7 28 guide 0x20df38c7 38 2 0x20df48b7 48 skipback 0x20df58a7 58 6 0x20df6897 68 -- 78 1 0x20df8877 88 9 0x20df9867 98 5 0x20dfa857 a8 -- b8 3 0x20dfc837 c8 info 0x20dfd827 d8 7 0x20dfe817 e8 -- f8 -- 09 rgb-input 0x20df19e6 19 -- 29 -- 39 -- 49 -- 59 -- 69 -- 79 -- 89 -- 99 -- a9 -- b9 -- c9 -- d9 -- e9 -- f9 -- 0a -- 1a red 0x20df2ad5 2a -- 3a yellow 0x20df4ab5 4a comp-input 0x20df5aa5 5a -- 6a -- 7a av-input 0x20df8a75 8a -- 9a green 0x20dfaa55 aa -- ba blue 0x20dfca35 ca -- da -- ea -- fa -- 0b -- 1b -- 2b -- 3b -- 4b -- 5b tv-input 0x20df6b94 6b -- 7b -- 8b -- 9b -- ab -- bb -- cb -- db -- eb -- fb stop 0x20df0cf3 0c -- 1c record 0x20df2cd3 2c -- 3c -- 4c -- 5c forward 0x20df6c93 6c -- 7c -- 8c cc 0x20df9c63 9c reverse 0x20dfac53 ac -- bc play 0x20dfcc33 cc -- dc pause 0x20dfec13 ec -- fc -- 0d -- 1d -- 2d -- 3d -- 4d -- 5d -- 6d -- 7d -- 8d -- 9d -- ad -- bd -- cd -- dd -- ed -- fd -- 0e -- 1e -- 2e -- 3e ?? 0x20df4eb1 4e flashes display in some way -- 5e -- 6e -- 7e comp-input 0x20df8e71 8e dup of 5a -- 9e -- ae -- be -- ce -- de wide 0x20dfee11 ee -- fe photo 0x20df0ff0 0f browse photos -- 1f -- 2f -- 3f -- 4f -- 5f -- 6f -- 7f -- 8f -- 9f -- af -- bf -- cf -- df -- ef dash 0x20dfff00 ff